Water Rights Services

We offer a wide range of consulting services to landowners, municipalities, engineers and other water users.

  • Water right issue resolution

    Resolving water rights issues can be a simple as correcting a typo or complicated enough to involve a site investigation, finding and reviewing aerial photos, and extensive research. We can do it all.

  • Historical research

    Whether it requires digging through historic photos, court documents, maps or government archives, we have experience finding the evidence you need.

  • Land title Work

    The ownership of water rights is often dependent on land ownership. Compiling a chain of title involves specialized research that varies from county to county. Then, you need to be able to interpret the documents to create the chain of title. Save yourself the time and the headaches by hiring us to track down and interpret the documents you need.

  • Document Preparation for DNRC and the Water Court

    There are many situations where it is necessary to file documents with the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, such as exempt claims, Notices of Completion of Groundwater Development, Water Right Ownership Updates, and many others. We can tell you which forms are required for your situation, and save you the hassle of preparing and filing them. We keep track of adjudication deadlines for filing Objections, Counterobjections, and Notices of Intent to Appear in each basin and can prepare the documents to meet those deadlines.

  • GIS Mapping

    Mapping the relationships between land and water rights is one of the most helpful exercises for visualizing past and present water use, as well as identifying issues and opportunities. Whether they’re for the field, the office, or application submissions, we can create maps for you that are both informative and pleasing to the eye.